- God’s Not Dead! True Miracle Stories of God’s Goodness and Grace
“God’s Not Dead! True Miracle Stories of God’s Goodness and Grace”
Book Description: This book is a collection of over 30 miracle stories, written or told by ordinary people who have experienced extraordinary things. Each of them is recorded, with integrity and from the heart, to encourage others to believe in, and to trust the God who made the miracles possible.
The book includes stories of life change, transformation, provision, protection, and supernatural healing.
The heart of the author in collecting and publishing these stories from friends, acquaintances and strangers is to glorify God for his goodness towards His people and to make Him known to those who do not yet know Him.
Doris Schuster, the author of God’s Not Dead! True Miracle Stories of God’s Goodness and Grace has been involved in editing and proofreading for over 30 years and is now putting her skills to work to help first-time authors polish and publish their books and memoirs. She is also passionate about healing prayer ministry, particularly ministry to hurting women.
$16.95 (Paperback version)
$3.15 (Kindle version)
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