Healing Journeys – 1

Welcome to my Blog!

I want to take you on a Healing Journey. Most of us, including myself, have been sick, suffered with pain or injury, and even depression at some point in our life. Some of you are probably suffering right now. This blog spot is intended to give you hope and encouragement in your Healing Journey.  It is dedicated to talking about what we can do ourselves to bring about healing in every sense of the word.

I also want to show how God is involved in our Healing Journey from the beginning to the end. He wants us to be free from sickness, disease and pain. We sing songs about “trading our sorrows and trading our pain… for the joy of the Lord”, but most of us don’t really believe that God has anything to do with our healing. By walking through the Bible with me over the next few months, you will see that God’s Word has a lot to say about healing.

The first chapter of Ephesians says that “God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, has blessed us with every spiritual blessing…because we are united with Christ.” (v 3) Every blessing includes a healthy body, mind and spirit. It goes on to say that “God is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.” (v 7) Wow, God purchased our freedom through Jesus’ shed blood! That includes freedom from sickness, disease and pain.

Verse 19 tells us of the “incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him…the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead.” This great power is available to us for many things, including healing. We have to believe him.

The last line of chapter one tells us that God has made Christ the head over all things and that “the church is his body”. (v 22) I don’t think that Christ wants a sick body. He wants us to be healthy in body, mind and spirit so that we can serve him well as his body.

I’ve been on a Healing Journey and I want to share it with you. I also want to show you scriptures that helped me to believe God for my physical health, mental health, relational health, financial health and, most importantly, my spiritual health.

Come blog with me. I invite you to take the information I will share in the coming weeks and use it to help you in your Healing Journey.

Together we will sing “I Am Free!”


1. I Am Free
2. Friend Of God
3. My Savior My God
4. Blessed Be Your Name
5. Lord Reign In Me
6. Yearn
7. I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever
8. God Of Wonders
9. Stand On Grace
10. Who Can Compare
11. Holy Moment