Healing Journeys – 2

My Healing Journey – Giving God Glory

I’m excited to share with you a brief version of my own Healing Journey today – my first personal experience with God’s power to heal.

But first I’d like to focus on the second chapter of Ephesians, as a continuation from my first post on Healing Journeys.

God’s Masterpiece

In this chapter, Paul reminds us that we are all sinful, but through God’s love, mercy and grace, we have been saved and have been given LIFE through Christ (v 4-5). Believing in Christ and accepting him as Saviour is the way to salvation, and ultimately to wholeness. If he created us as his “masterpiece”, he created us with perfection and surely wants us to remain that way, or return to that state if something went wrong in our bodies or minds.

“Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done… It is a gift from God… for we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:8-10)

I believe that God has planned good things for all of us to do for him. One of these things is to give him glory for what he does for us. I give him glory for healing me.

Healing Prayer

When I was finally healed of long-term pain in my right hip, I could hardly wait to go tell my mother about it. She knew about my pain before anyone else did. She saw it first, as the mother of a toddler who limped.  I was born with a dislocated hip joint, so I never learned to walk properly.

My mother cried for me as she saw me isolated behind a window in the children’s ward of a hospital, unable to go in to comfort her young child of eight, who was in pain after hip surgery. She often told me that she wished she was the one with the pain, instead of me. I know that she saw and felt my pain when I was young.

At the age of 48, when I was fully healed after receiving prayer, I wanted to tell my mother that I had discovered why I think I was born with this disability and why I had to suffer with pain for so long. I told her that God allowed this in my life so that, one day, I could give him glory for healing it completely. That “one day” had come! This is one of the plans God has for our life – to give him glory and honour!  Although I lived with a lot of pain throughout my childhood and adult life, I can now run, dance, swim, bike and even downhill ski pain-free. I can sing “I Am Free!” and mean it.

Before my hip surgery in 1997, I had to crawl up our stairs because the pain going up was unbearable, especially when carrying a load (like my toddler son). The chief orthopaedic surgeon that God provided for me did an amazing job of repositioning the bones in my hip to allow me to walk better again. However, after the surgery, I still had residual pain almost every day, especially early in the morning.

I still wouldn’t be completely pain-free if God hadn’t sent me my best friend, Anna, who gave me a book on prayer for healing. I began to read it. One night, after having accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and having received LIFE through Christ, I had a vision. The vision prompted me to pray for healing for a mutual friend of ours. I fought that prompt vehemently with statements like, “God, I can’t do that!” Three times, I heard the voice say, “Try it!” After my last “I can’t”, I heard a slightly firmer and louder voice say, “Just do it!”

The remainder of the night was restless and I was unable to sleep. The next morning, I called the two friends who were in my vision and told them what I had seen and heard. They both responded with enthusiasm to the invitation to pray. We agreed to meet to pray for one of them, for the healing of carpal tunnel syndrome, as the vision had prompted. I did this out of obedience to God, although I knew very little about Diving healing at the time.

When the time came, I was very nervous and even afraid to begin the prayer for healing because I had never done this before. As a matter of fact, I had never even prayed anything out loud before. Fortunately I didn’t even have to open my mouth. To my great relief, God led my good friend, Anna, who had some experience with healing prayer, to take over. Her prayers flowed and I just stood in silent agreement with her.

During the prayer for the healing of my friend’s wrists, the mention of “hip alignment” came up. Obviously, my friend’s hips were not the problem. “How could hips have anything to do with wrists?” I thought, “…but maybe that prayer could apply to me, since I was the one still suffering with hip pain and misalignment issues.” When we were finished praying, I mentioned this thought and my friends began to pray for my hip too. This was totally unplanned and unexpected, and I did not ask for it, but God planned it all along since I received my full healing that day and I haven’t had a single hip pain in almost 6 years!  I praise and glorify God for this continually, for this was one of the plans he had for me all along. His timing is always perfect.

My healing journey did not end there! I have had several other wonderful experiences of God’s presence and healing touch. I’m looking forward to sharing them with you soon.

Good News for All of Us

We can all know Christ as our Saviour, the Father as our healer, and the Holy Spirit as our ever-present source of help and peace.

Towards the end of Ephesians chapter 2, we read that Christ brought this Good News of peace to everyone and that “Now all of us can come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit because of what Christ has done for us.” (Ephesians 2:18) The blood Christ shed for us and his death on the cross provide salvation and healing for everyone who comes to Him. “All of us” literally means all of us! It doesn’t exclude anyone. That is why this is “Good News”!  You can come to the Father as your healer too.

By joining yourself to Christ, you “become a holy temple for the Lord… and you are made part of this dwelling where God lives by his Spirit.” (v 21-22). Christ wants his dwelling place to be without defect. After all, you are his masterpiece.

One of the ways to obtain your healing is to take care of that “temple” – your body – where the Holy Spirit lives. More on this in future posts.

What God has done for one, he wants to do for all who come to him. Are you ready to begin your Healing Journey?

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