When Little is Much – Part 2
New Hope in Ethiopia
I was recently made aware of another alternative income project, managed by friends. My heart prompted me to help them with what I considered to be a “little donation” from my business. A few months later, I was overjoyed to receive a report with several real-life stories about how “so little has meant so much” to several women and their children in Ethiopia. I would like to share their stories with you to show what a few dollars can do.
Some of the money that is donated locally through DevXchange International is used to provide micro-loans to struggling women in Ethiopia who wish to start their own business to earn an income and provide for their children. Most are given a small loan of 500 birr (about $30) as start-up funds for their business. When that is paid off, they can take another loan of 1000 birr to expand their business. It is a way to help these women become self-sufficient, rather than dependent on regular hand-outs. This is, in my opinion, a more excellent way
Look at these success stories (provided by DevXchange with very minor editing)

Wudie Gizzie
This is Wudie Gizzie. She had hit desperate times. She is HIV positive and was without a means of support. She came to New Hope requesting a micro loan of 500 birr (about $30). With her loan, she created a business of selling charcoal, tea, and some vegetables. She repaid the loan and took out the same amount again to expand the business. With the help of a project worker who has been visiting her to give her advice about business and life change, she now has a successful business.
Recently, when she was visited she was overflowing with gratitude, thanking God and asking Him to bless those who have helped her.
This is Beletu. She was having a difficult time living. She has two small babies, one of whom was born with a disability. When she was first visited, she was given some money from the “special needs fund” to help with her baby’s needs. Then she was encouraged to take a micro loan and start a small business. She now has a good business selling charcoal, wood, potatoes, tomatoes and other items.
The picture on the right is of her shop – it may not look like much, but it is a real start for her and she is now able to provide the basics needed for her daughters and herself.
Beletu is becoming a believer and has been delivered from many curses and a lot of destructive and occult-type spiritual heritage.
This is Semegne. At one time her life was going pretty well. Her husband was a tailor and they had two daughters. But her husband drank very heavily and caught some kind of disease, and twenty years ago her husband died. Thirteen years ago, her grown daughter also died of disease.
She and her younger daughter had a difficult life for many years. She received a micro loan to make enjera covers from bamboo and mud (“enjera” is the Ethiopian national bread). This is a cover used in baking the bread.
Now she is very happy and is selling 5 to 6 enjera covers per day. She is able to charge 5 birr for each cover.

This is Alemtehun and two of her children – they are a family of nine. At one time, she and her husband were quite well off, but that changed. Alem’s husband started drinking and gambling and they lost their home and money due to his problem, leaving the family very poor.
Before getting a micro loan from New Hope, Alem had managed to start a small business selling tea. She also had a couple of chickens, but was not making enough to feed the large family, leaving them in a very difficult situation. She and one of her grown daughters received a micro loan (the equivalent of about $60) to buy 2 lambs and more chickens. Within 10 months they had paid back the loan and asked for and received a larger loan (the equivalent of about $120). With this, they bought a cow. They have been selling the milk and now the cow has had a calf!
This family has new hope now. They have the money they need to live and the business keeps growing. Project workers have also been sharing the good news about Jesus with them and continue to visit and pray for them.
As you can see, our small donations are a huge blessing to people in need.
To help DevXchange International and the Micro Loans to Women project, you can safely donate any amount by clicking the Donate button on the Donations page.
Please specify the purpose of the donation as “Micro Loans to Women” so that the funds will be forwarded appropriately.
Healing Your Finances
Do you want to begin putting aside a small amount of the financial resources that God has given you to bless others? In his educational book on responsible financial management, Joe Sangl teaches us how to save, give and live on the rest so that we can do what God has put us on this earth to do. To find out more, or to order the book “I Was Broke. Now I’m Not.” click here.
Go to Part 1 of “When Little is Much”