When Little is Much – Part 1

Many people start off a new year by making some type of resolution to be more responsible with their cash flow than they have been in the past. Some are determined to make their dollars stretch farther by reducing their own wants and needs in order to be able to give more to those who don’t have much. So many people around the world live with so little. Jesus instructed us to help the poor and the oppressed. He taught that little is much when God is in it.

“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” (James 1:27)

Alternative Income Projects in Sierra Leone

I’ve been inspired by my friend’s young son, who chose to “go without” in order to make himself aware of how many people in the world have to live with so little. Last October, Simon S., a grade seven student and the youngest of four siblings, embarked on a journey that he called “5 Days Without”. With his father, he decided to live for 5 days in a 7 x 7 foot section of his room, sleeping on the floor and existing only with very limited clothing and possessions (no electronics). His diet consisted of water, crackers, lentils, apples, and bananas, which he rationed out to one serving per day. He cooked the lentils outdoors, on an open camping stove, and their ration of water was also stored outside.

Simon’s focus was on Sierra Leone, Africa, where many adults and children live in similar or worse conditions. Simon commented, “I found out on Tuesday morning that lentils make me sick, so I had to switch to goopy, slimy, unsweetened, organic peanut butter. Also, I felt so disgusting not showering, let alone not changing my clothes, and my friends teased me at school.”

But Simon persisted in his fasting endeavour for the entire 5 days and he learned how fortunate most of us are here in Canada. His desire is to encourage others to move towards acts of sacrifice and generosity. He challenges us to “try giving up something that’s important to us, like video games, cell phones, TV shows, Facebook, etc. All these things are okay, but not really needed to survive. Some of these things are even a big part of the problem, causing poverty in the rest of the world. For example, cell phones have a mineral called tantalum, which is found in Congo, Africa and which companies pay huge money for, and this leads to war and poverty in this area.”

Simon raised over three hundred dollars for the “Free the ChildrenAlternative Income Projects in Sierra Leone. “For five days we got used to going without,” said Simon, “You can join us; it’s never too late!”

If a seventh-grader can make an impact like this on the world, what can we, as income-earning followers of Christ, do to help people living in countries where “little is much”?

To help Simon and the “Free the ChildrenAlternative Income Projects, you can safely donate any amount by clicking the Donate button on the Donations page.

Please specify the purpose of the donation as “Free the Children” so that the funds will be forwarded appropriately.

Healing Your Finances

Do you want to begin putting aside a small amount of the financial resources that God has given you to bless others? In his educational book on responsible financial management, Joe Sangl teaches us how to save, give and live on the rest so that we can do what God has put us on this earth to do. To find out more, or to order the book I Was Broke. Now I’m Not, click here.

Go to Part 2 of “When Little is Much”