Answered Prayers – 101 Stories

Answered Prayers - 101 Stories

Answered Prayers - 101 Stories

“Answered Prayers”

101 Stories of Hope, Miracles, Faith, Divine Intervention, and the Power of Prayer.

Miracles happen all the time and these amazing stories of answered prayers will fill you with awe, inspire you, and strengthen your faith and hope.

Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and LeAnn Thieman gathered this wonderful collection for the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series.

Here are 101 Answered Prayers to inspire you, deepen your faith, and make your day brighter!

These fascinating stories prove that God is actively involved in our lives, listening to our heartfelt hopes and needs. You will be awed by miraculous true accounts of healing, divine appointments, angels among us, signs from above, timely gifts, and other answered prayers, including:

  • Bryan, whose terminal bone cancer disappeared
    after his name was put on prayer lists all over the country.
  • Dot, who prayed for a white station wagon to replace her
    broken down car, and was given one the next week by her boss.
  • Joy, blinded by eye surgery, who found her husband in a snowstorm
    having a heart attack, after asking Jesus to show her the way.
  • Ellie, who asked God for a sign from her late son, and was given a
    dream in which he assured her they would meet again.
  • Carol, who substituted prayer for a cigarette every time
    she had a craving and finally managed to quit smoking.
  • Six-year-old Clem, whose long-divorced parents reconciled
    the day after he asked God to put them back together.
    Answered Prayers is ideal “short story” reading for teens and adults.

    $16.95 NOW only $9.00 Save 45% off the cover price!

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