The Overcomer’s Handbook

The Overcomer's Hanbook

The Overcomer's Handbook


“The Overcomer’s Handbook: Preparing for the Best of Times, the Worst of Times and the End of Times”

Book Description: With a sense of urgency the author calls us to prepare spiritually, mentally and practically for two tsunamis that are on the horizon and which will forever change life as we know it.

The first massive wave is that of unprecedented turbulence and trouble on the earth that will be increasingly felt in the economic, geophysical, political, religious and military realms.

The other wave bearing down upon us is that of an unprecedented spiritual awakening. This will ultimately result in an end time harvest and a mature and beautiful bride prepared for the return of Jesus, the Bridegroom King.

With mankind on the verge of experiencing the best of, the worst of, and the end of times, it is imperative that we get prepared – not out of fear and panic but rather out of a faith-filled sense of divine destiny.

The author of The Overcomer’s Handbook, Jerry Steingard, has pastored for 25 years, has taught courses on biblical studies, revival church history and world religions and has taken ministry teams around the world.

Discount Price: $15.00

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